Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A.P. Final Exam

Remember, you may use your book and notes during this exam.  You may NOT use headphones.

When you're done, make sure the white box that says "Your Response Has Been Recorded" pops up after you tap "Submit."

Honors Final Exam

Remember, you may use your book and notes during this exam.  You may NOT use headphones.

When you're done, make sure the white box that says "Your Response Has Been Recorded" pops up after you tap "Submit."

College Prep Final Exam

Remember, you may use your book and notes during this exam.  You may NOT use headphones.

When you're done, make sure the white box that says "Your Response Has Been Recorded" pops up after you tap "Submit."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A.P. Quiz #2

Answer the following questions based on pages 1-215 in Boxers.  You may look back into the text, but you may NOT use any other apps on your iPad (including listening to music).  You must work INDEPENDENTLY.

Honors Quiz #2

Answer the following questions based on pages 1-154 in Boxers.  You may look back into the text, but you may NOT use any other apps on your iPad (including listening to music).  You must work INDEPENDENTLY.