Friday, December 20, 2013

Holiday Break Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to keep you reading during our two-week break without ruining your break by making you work the whole time.  Follow the steps below.  Either email me or bring in your work on paper when we come back to school on JANUARY 2.  Be safe.  Have fun.  Happy Reading!


  1. Choose ANYTHING you want to read.  It can be the book you're reading during SSR or literally anything else that interests you.  Whatever you choose should take at least an hour to read.
  2. Identify the structure of what you read.
    1. If you read a fiction or literary text, identify the plot elements.  (Use about as much detail as you did for the film study in class.)
    2. If you read a nonfiction or informational text (try How Stuff Works for some great articles), identify the structure type and provide text evidence to explain how you know it's that type.
    3. For nonfiction, use the resource below to help you identify the text type.
  3. Write your answers on paper or email them to me.  Make sure to include the title and author of what you read.