Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Bystander Effect (part 2)

DON'T start this task until you have finished and submitted "The Bystander Effect (part 1)" work on the post from yesterday (Feb. 4).

  1. Read this summary of the Kitty Genovese case that is said to have started the study of the bystander effect. 
Bystander effect research was stimulated, in part, by the infamous case of a young woman named Kitty Genovese, who was raped and murdered on the streets of Queens, NY. The crime happened late one night when Genovese's neighbors reportedly stood by and did nothing to intervene in the brutal attack despite hearing her screams. (from Psychology Today)
  1. Listen to this podcast about the real facts of the case.  You only need to listen from 4:10 to 7:45 on the recording. 
  2. Answer the questions and then submit the form below.